Journey of NaiTsa

What is Indonesia International Work Camp?
Indonesia International Work Camp, commonly known as IIWC, is a non-profit non-governmental organization headquartered in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. IIWC organizes various international voluntary services in the framework of strengthening voluntary values and creating world peace. It is based on volunteerism and cooperates with a number of partners in the local, national, and international for the same purpose. IIWC activities come in the forms of work camps, the hosting of long-midde term volunteers in Indonesia, the sending of Indonesian volunteers abroad, campaigns, social events, IIWC Cares, and internal activities.
The History
In 1999, an international work camp was first held in Indonesia by the IPPA Central Java, precisely in Mijen, Semarang, in collaboration with NICE (Never-ending International workCamps Exchange) Japan, a non-profit non-governmental organization that organizes workcamps and other voluntary projects based in Japan. Then in 2000 IPPA Central Java was invited by NVDA (Network for Voluntary Development in Asia) to participate in the 3rd Training and Networking and the 2nd General Assembly, at which IIWC was officially established and registered as a full member of NVDA. Over time, IIWC continues to organize international work camp activities with different themes and locations, while the number of participants grows siginificantly every year.
In the year 2001 – 2004, IIWC has been privileged a mandate as Vice President of External Relations of NVDA. Then in 2004 IIWC was registered as an associate member of Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Services UNESCO (CCIVS) UNESCO headquartered in Paris, France. At the same time IIWC also served as the Secretary General of NVDA for the period of 2006 -2008. Then, In 2008-2010 assumed the presidency of NVDA in the year 2008 to 2010.
Currently, IIWC has more extensive networks through promotion via both its domestic and international partners. In addition, IIWC is also further enhanced by a number professional staff to answer every need of activities organized each year.

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